TinBu, the world-wide leader in providing lottery content to online media outlets, is renowned for providing accurate, reliable and timely lottery content.
- Accurate. Our state-of-the-art, data entry system is designed to achieve the highest level of accuracy and eliminate human errors. Lottery data is manually entered into our system and automatically double-checked for correctness once it is entered. To achieve maximum accuracy, we initiate yet, another check of all data entries in the early morning following a draw.
- Reliable. Our automated system will perform range checking, date checking, duplicate draw checking, duplicate number checking, etc. to ensure that we provide data that is trustworthy.
- Timely. Within minutes of lottery drawings, we are capable to gather the data and provide you with results. We provide near, real-time updates of most lottery and jackpot results. Most updates can be obtained within five to ten minutes following the draw, many sooner than that. For multi-state lotteries, such as PowerBall, Florida Lotto etc., we provide real-time results, consistent with live TV coverage of the drawing and often before the results are available at official State lottery sites.
- Our lottery feed covers these countries and areas:
- All U.S. State/Multi-state Lotteries
- All Canadian National/Regional/Provincial Lotteries
- U.K. Lotteries
- Ireland Lotteries
- Mexico Lotteries
- Canada Lotteries
- German Lotteries Product
- Australia Lotteries
- Argentina Lotteries
- Brazil Lotteries
- Chile Lotteries
- Colombia Lotteries
- Costa Rica Lotteries
- Spain Lotteries
- France Lotteries
- Italy Lotteries
- Panama Lotteries
- Uruguay Lotteries
Please contact us or visit our website LotteryFeed.com for more info.